Overview of Reiki offered by Green Relaxation&Awareness
You learn Reiki as mixed one, i.e. traditional Usui Reiki, western Reiki and Gendai Reiki. Moreover, you get attuned with Reiki vibration and symbols which Mikao Usui originally obtained in Mt. Kurama in Kyoto.
Green R&A teaches the following 4 degrees. In order that everybody can be taught in the best and highest way, I teach max. 3 persons at once. With regard to dates for Reiki seminars, please inform me as to when you would like to take seminar. It is not ready-made, but tailor-made.
After you complete each Reiki seminar, you obtain its certificate.
In addition, Green R&A also offers „Reiki Orientation" (max. 12 persons) for those who are interested in Reiki but do not know it exactly, or hesitate to take Reiki 1st-3rd degrees etc. If you are interested in taking part in this orientation, please let me know when is convenient for you.
Reiki Orientation
* Concept of Reiki, History of Reiki, methods of self healing and healing for others, chakras
* Practice of self healing etc
Prerequisites: Open. Anybody can participate!
Duration: about 2 hours
Fees: 15 Euro
Reiki First Degree
You learn how to use Reiki for self healing as well as objects which surround you.You are attuned "the first symbol" as well as its mantra.
* Concept of Reiki
* Attunements
* Attunement of the first symbol
* Meaning of the first symbol
* Chakras
* Self healing, healing for minerals and plants
* How to use Reiki for foods and drinks
* Others
Prerequisites: Open. Anybody can participate!
Duration: one day (approx. 6 hours)
Fees: 150 Euro(unemployed person/student: 135 Euro)
Reiki Second Degree
You learn how to conduct healing for others and distant healing, to cancel karmas and trauma, and manifest your wishes.
You are attuned “the second" symbol which effect on your mind level and “the third" symbol which is beyond time and space and their mantras.
* Healing for others
* Attunements of the second and the third symbols
* Meaning of the second and the third symbols and how to use them
* Distant healing
* Deprogramming Technique (Methods for Making Improvements against Bad Habits)
* Manifesting your wishes
* Others
Prerequisites: those who completed the first degree
Duration: one day (approx. 6 hours)
Fees: 200 Euro (unemployed person/student: 180 Euro)
Reiki Third Degree
You learn how to connect your Higher Self, and how to heal the earth and the universe.
You are attuned "the fourth" symbol and its mantra. The fourth symbol powers up the 1st, 2nd and the 3rd symbols, i.e. the power symbol).
You learn how to connect your Higher Self, and how to heal the earth and the universe.
* Attunement of the fourth symbol
* Meaning of the fourth symbol and how to use it
* Connection with high consciousness
* Chanelling
* Healing fort he earth, the universe, and the environment
* Use of Reiki which is beyond the 1st and the 2nd degrees
* Others
Prerequisites: those who completed the second degree
Duration: one day (approx. 5 hours)
Fees: 250 Euro (unemployed person/student: 225 Euro)
* If you take the entire program (1st-3rd degree) at Green Relaxation&Awareness, the fees is 540 Euro instead of 600 Euro (10% discount!) (unemployed person/student: 486 Euro)
Teacher´s Degree
You learn how to attune symbols and mantras, and review all methods you leanred at the 1st-3rd degrees. In addition, you learn what you should care as a Reiki teacher.
* Attunements
* How to attune symbols and mantras
* Review of all methods you learned at 1st-3rd degrees.
Prerequisites: those who completed the third degree
Duration: 1.5 days (approx. 8 hours)
Fees: 960 Euro
Reiki Practice Day
This is for those who completed the first degree. However, even though you do not get attuned the first symbol but you learned how to use Reiki, you can participate this practice meeting. We share our methods how to use Reiki in our daily lives, and interesting use of Reiki. Of course, we conduct Reiki healing practice. Those who do not use Reiki in a daily life are very welcome.
Prerequisites: those who completed the first degree (desirable). However, even though you did not get attuned the first symbol but you learned how to use Reiki, you can participate this practice meeting.
Duration:approx. 2 hours
Fees:10 Euro