Lightarian Purification Rings™

Lightarian Institute→


Lightarian Purification RingsTM is an advanced attunement system inspired by Seraphim in order to infuse you with the purest qualities an energy patterns of the Seraphim. After becoming energetically connected with Seraphim via Purification Rings, you will receive continuing inspiration and support, encouraging you to express these seraphic qualities in all areas of your life.

Lightarian Institute has just started to offer this wonderful attunements program in March, 2011. Purification Rings is consisted of 6 Levels of attunements.


* Create powerful connections with the Seraphim, a specialized angelic team of seraphic energies consisting of different Seraphic groups that have stepped forward to assist you in your evolution and expansion of your energetic vibration.

* Expand the pure seraphic qualities of unconditional love, wholeness, harmonization, beauty and bliss within your energy fields and anchored into day to day experiences. 

* Establish a series of six unique and permanent guideship connections with these supportive seraphic groups.

About Level 1 - Level 6

Level 1: Seraphims have inspired the creation of seraphic connections to facilitate the spread of blue flame through the heart chakra while reformatting our genetic encodings and personal perspectives. You may feel the compulsion to express yourself through divine service by deepy anchoring it into your energy fields, fully expanding it within your heart. As you open-heartedly share the Purification Rings with others, you will experience a deeper, richer sense of service in the Light than you may have ever felt before.


Responsible Seraphim: Seraphim Y


Prerequisite: Open


Level 2: Level 2 focuses on pure, clear communications and the interpretation of information you receive through your five senses. Profound impacts may be felt in very palpable ways within the mental and emotional fields and ultimately within the physical body as the partitions separating the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of your being are removed. As you begin to operate at a higher vibration of seraphic wholeness and harmonics, your experience of living will become more joyous and loving. Crystal skull will be installed in the crown chakra by supporting Arinae (star energy) where it will reformat the frontal lobe to interpret sensory input.


Responsible Seraphim: Seraphim C and Star energy, Arinae


Prerequisite: Level 1


Level 3: Level 3 focuses on releasing "hidden agendas" and "stuff to work out" by removing the cloak present in your energy field, created through fear when entering the human form. With the removal of the cloak, you will stand in love, fully revealed and living in your truth. Fear will recede as love is fully allowed to enter your energy field. Seraphim V will instill a silver line through your crown chakra and downward where it will shadow your spine.


Responsible Seraphim: Seraphim V


Prerequisite: Level 2


Level 4: Level 4 focuses on releasing "self-serving" behaviour, whether it be through diverting attention away from oneself or attracting attention on other areas of one´s life so as not to have to focus on grieving. Seraphim Z will instill a rainbow circle into your heart chakra. This rainbow circle represents wholeness and completeness. After releasing the grief you have sorted in your body, Seraphim Z will fill those areas with Divine Love.


Responsible Seraphim: Seraphim Z


Prerequisite: Level 3


Level 5: Level 5 focuses on the total understanding and practice of the principles of invocation and intention, i.e. manifestation, as anchored in a state of pure bliss. When immersed in the blue flame, a person feels at ease, united with the flow of life, connected with Gaia, and linked to the surrounding energy. In such a space, you can invoke your intentions.


Responsible Seraphim: All seraphim groups


Prerequisite: Level 4


Level 6: Level 6 focuses on manupulating natural forces and creating "magic“ within your reality by connecting with surrounding energy. Seraphim K will work with creative area of the brain found on the right side of the cerebral cortex to expand our ability to create through sound. In addition, they will also focus on the throat center, and use your voice to instill the necessary energetic configurations in the body. Once the throat center is prepared, from the throat area, the harmonization will spread through the rest of your body. You will have the ability to transform all that is surrounding you for the highest and greatest good. You will be able to manipulate the natural forces and create "magic“.


Responsible Seraphim: Seraphim K


Prerequisite: Level 5


* Some parts of the above are from "Lightarian Purification Rings"  at Lightarian Institute home page and manuals.

How about the interval in between Ray attunements?


It is desirable to have at least 7 days in between Purification Rings attunement.


About Lightarian Purification Rings™ Program


Once you receive the attunement, you can immediatey facilitate the attunement to others. There is no teacher program.


How are the attunements facilitated?


Attunement is basically done through verbal meditation. The effect of the attunement is totally same even though you receive it via Skype without video, Telephone, distance, or face to face. Therefore, I send you attunement through remote/Skype/Telephone. Attunement itself takes around 30 min.




Before starting, you receive a manual. Please read and understand it thoroughly.

If you have questions, please ask me via E-Mail. Since it is merely attunement, you can receive it whenever you wish.




Please take a look at Price list.

After your payment is confirmed, a manual is sent to you. Please note that you cannot cancel and cannot be reimbursed after a manual is already sent.