Lightarian Rays™


Lightarian Institute:


Lightarian Rays accelerate your spiritual transformation, and  a series of powerful, guided-meditation attunements inspired by the Celestial Masters: Maitreya, El Morya, Buddha, Sananda and St. Germain, and by our Universal Source.

*  The first five Rays focus on the essential phases of spiritual processing Empowerment, Clearing, Healing, Activation and Manifestation

*  The sixth Ray (the Source Ray) focuses on lifting you further into the unfolding global-human ascension process.

About each Ray

Ray Reponsible master

Empowerment Ray™


Ascension Master Maitreya Receiving the E-Ray creates a unique, permanent relationship between Maitreya and all levels of your energies. An empowering, long-term connection is established between Maitreya and your Soul, Oversoul and Higher Self levels which provides ongoing support for the raising of your vibration and enhancing your spiritual awakening.

After receiving E-Ray attunement, Maitreya begins to interact "in the background" with all levels of your energies to accelerate your spiritual development in a manner most appropriate for you. Aspects of your etheric patterns and chakra codings that have been dormant will be activated. In the broadest possible ways, the long-term energetic effects of the Empowerment Ray will provide you with a richer, fuller sense of Self and a clearer understanding of your purpose for being here at this extraordinary time in Earth's history.

Clearing Ray™


Ascended Master El Morya [1] Clearing your adverse soul level programs, their associated belief structures and adverse mental, emotional and physical-etheric energies.

[2] Releasing old, limiting fetal energy patterns carried into this lifetime that still remain in your energy fields.

[3] Clearing the "etheric blueprint" which stores adverse patterns that create stress, discomfort, debilitation and dis-ease within the physical body.

[4] Releasing attachments such as automatic responses, addictive behaviors, adverse etheric energy forms such as links and cords, psychic connections, implants, past life bleed-ins, etc.

[5] Opening and enhancing your vibrational connection back to Higher Self and beyond!

[6] Lifting the veils that restrict your full, clear view of yourself and your life.

Healing Ray™


Ascended Master Buddha

(Buddha is one aspect of Ascended Master Buddha)

Healing effects stimulated by this attunement will be created over the entire spectrum of your energies from your physical body to the highest levels of your etheric "inner vibrational landscape." There are no specific time benchmarks or time limits for the extraordinary healing that is launched via this work...simply the gentle unfolding of your truly individualized healing process at a pace that will serve highest and greatest purpose for you. Recognizing that each of us is fully responsible for our own healing, we acknowledge that Ascended Master Buddha's energetic support will simply be empowering you in your own self-healing process.  

 As part of the H-Ray process, a unique, permanent  relationship is established between you and Ascended Master Buddha, as he steps forward to assist you in very direct, personal ways with the orchestration of this enhanced healing work. In a sense, he will serve as a healing guide for all levels of your being all in complete cooperation with your Higher Self.

After receiving your attunement, dramatic energetic changes will be taking place for you, depending on your initial physical and subtle body energy patterning and the healing pace being set by your Higher Self. Your etheric and physical energies will begin to experience renewed levels of vitality and vibrancy!

  • Your sense of self-responsibility for your own healing will expand as you more effectively handle any challenging, health-related situations that need attention.
  • As you deal with the task of bringing health-related aspects of your life into balance, you may discover new levels of two important spiritual principles...discipline and surrender...that you may not have encountered before.
  • You may start to open more fully to your higher inner wisdom and expand your self-awareness.

Ativation Ray™


Ascended Master Sananda

(Jesus Christ is one aspet of Ascended Master Sananda)

As a result of the A-Ray, a unique, permanent  relationship is established between you and Sananda, as he steps forward to assist you in very direct, personal ways with the orchestration of this enhanced activation work.


Following your attunement for the A- Ray, Sananda begins to interact "in the background" with all levels of your energies to stimulate and accelerate the energetic activation steps that are most appropriate for you. This activation work takes place deeply within your "inner planes" as shifts and changes are occurring in your personal "energy construct"...all to propel you along your spiritual path through the raising of your personal vibration!

  • Through Sananda's inspiration and guidance, the Activation Ray has been designed to accelerate your entire progression of personal spiritual activations.
  • These energetic activations can be in the form of small, quantum changes in your energy structure to increase your capacity to handle more Light, to bring forward your gifts and talents or for other appropriate transformational purposes.
  • Activations can also be in the form of major initiatory steps which can dramatically alter your energies...creating major shifts in your belief structures, perspectives, perceptions and even your sense of yourself.
  • As an powerful resource for you, Sananda operates "in your personal etheric background", stimulating your inner-planes spiritual development while always guiding and fully coordinating with your Higher Self energies.

Manifestation Ray™


Ascended Master St. Germain

Through M-Ray, a special etheric linkage is created between you and Ascended Master St. Germain, all to support your manifestation process, all to serve highest purpose for you.

  • You may discover yourself operating more courageously and authentically and find yourself on a truly accelerated path toward manifesting abundance in all areas of your experience.
  • Through courageous and authentic action, fears are overcome and the open space for manifesting is created.
  • From a spiritual perspective, this attunement is designed to stimulate the manifesting of your latent gifts and talents to enable you to effectively move toward an expanded level of service in the be able to step into your "future role." Many of us are already moving into our "future roles" as teachers, healers, communicators and visionaries for these times of extraordinary planetary and human transformation. The Manifestation Ray will accelerate this process and propel you toward greater spiritual service during the coming times.

Source Ray™


Universal Source With the work of the Lightarian Rays as a "platform", the S-Ray represents a dramatic leap to a new level of vibrational connection with even higher levels of divine energies.

The vibrational levels that we call Universal Source consist of highly focused energies of pure thought and intention which produce "all of creation within our physical and non-physical reality." The Source Ray creates a resonant, energetic connection for you with this band of celestial energies...focusing on "lifting you further into the unfolding ascension process" that humans and Gaia are experiencing at this time. It is designed to stimulate and support you on your quest for a more perfected and ascended way of "being and doing" in your day-to-day experience.

*S-Ray connection will allow you to access all twelve of the Divine Virtues embodied by Source in order to fulfill your personal "divine mosaic-pattern of energies" for the coming times.

Divine Virtue
Responsible Master
Beauty Babaji
Compassion Buddha (H-Ray)
Courage St.Germain (M-Ray)
Curiosity Serapis Bey
Imagination Lady Nada
Joy Lanto
St. Maria
Love Hilarion
Loyalty Kutumi
Power Meitreya (E-Ray)/El Morya (C-Ray)
Purity Sananda (A-Ray)
Will Universal Source (S-Ray)

* Almost all the above are from "Lightarian Reiki" at Lightarian Institute home page



Open. Anybody can participate either or both Lightarian Rays™ Teacher´s Program or/and Client Session.


How about the interval in between Ray attunements?


It is desirable to have more than 7 days in between Ray attunement.

However, with regard to S-Ray, you can have S-Ray attunement when you have 5th Ray attunement.


How about the order of Ray attunements?


First of all, you have to take E-Ray, since E-Ray is a kind of basement for all other Ray attunements. Except for S-Ray, you can have any Ray in your desirable order. Basically, it is recommendable to have the following order:



About Lightarian RaysProgram


There are Teacher´s Program and Client Session.

Teacher´s Program is that you can legally regiser Lightarian Institute as a teacher to attune your clients and students.

Client Session is that you cannot be registered in Lightarian Institute. You only receive attunements and you cannot receive the ability to attune others.


How are the attunements facilitated?


Attunement is basically done through verbal meditation. The effect of the attunement is totally same even though you receive it via Skype without video, Telephone, distance, or face to face. Therefore, I send you attunement through remote/Skype/Telephone. Attunement itself takes around 30 min.




Before starting, you receive a manual. Please read and understand it thoroughly.

If you have questions, please ask me via E-Mail. Since it is merely attunement, you can receive it whenever you wish.




Please take a look at Price list.

After your payment is confirmed, a manual is sent to you. Please note that you cannot cancel and cannot be reimbursed after a manual is already sent.